What Clients are Saying


  • A good friend of mine told me about Teron’s Counselling skills…

    … that he was intuitive, asked really good questions, and was easy-going and friendly. As it turned out, that was exactly what I was looking for… My partner and I went, and my friend was right in how good his skills are. He also makes growing and evolving more of a beautiful adventure than a chore… His style is warm and invokes a feeling of safety and trust, while remaining objective and non-judgemental – something fairly new to me… I would absolutely recommend him (and I do) to anyone requiring an intuitive, safe, and caring guide in the labyrinth of life.


  • Teron ‘walks the walk’ as no other Counsellor I’ve known...

    and his enjoyment of that walk is contagious. He has a unique ability to be completely present in order to intuitively connect with the client, and his rich background of knowledge and experience provides a wide range of healing options. In just a few sessions with him, I was able to clear a deep-seated issue that hadn’t responded to long-term ‘traditional’ counselling – and he made that process a very empowering experience. I’d highly recommend Teron to any and all, but especially to those who believe as I did, that they’ve been-there-done-that, because until they’ve had a session with Teron – they haven’t!


  • Teron Wolf is the most inspiring Counsellor I have yet worked with.

    He is passionate about his work, is very well-read, and has studied a vast range of topics and approaches to personal development. His humour and integrity serve to bring out the best in me, and gently invite me to look deeply into myself through a lens of love. Regardless of what challenges I carried into a session, I always came out with a smile on my lips, joy in my heart, and a renewed sense of faith & trust in myself and the world around me.


  • Immediately upon meeting Teron, there is a feeling you have come to the right place.

    The work I have done with him has made a tremendous difference with amazingly profound results that have changed my life in so many ways. Teron has a great deal of knowledge and experience in the arts of Counselling and Healing. He is able to apply his many gifts effectively to arrive at the heart of any matter and provide the help that is needed. It is an honour and a tremendous blessing to have him walk beside me. I recommend Teron, wholeheartedly.


  • I have found Teron to be a great inspiration in my life, as well as the life of my husband.

    His commitment to always bringing his very best to his guests/clients is impressive, as well as his immense and varied knowledge regarding the promotion of healing and balance in one’s life. He is a great teacher, and always ready to share his knowledge and experience. He is kind and supportive, and I believe has a true calling to want to help others… Teron deals with integrity and can always be counted on to deliver what he has offered.


  • Teron’s compassion and caring made for a safe environment where I felt at ease being open and honest with myself.

    The work we’ve done together gave me great insight on many different aspects of my life, and has helped me immensely. Through this, I’ve learned different tools to help me excel past my troubles so I can focus on my greater purpose. Words just don’t reach the level of gratitude I feel in my heart. I highly recommend Teron Wolf for Counselling or Healing work, if you’re seeking someone in the field.


  • I 'found' Teron on a shuttle bus heading for Denver Airport after both attending a Health Conference.

    Just new to a Cancer diagnosis, I was looking for healing methods to soothe the traditional radiation and chemotherapy. I started working with Teron by telephone on a weekly basis. His genuine care and his ability to change my perspective and attitude towards my experience with cancer were instrumental to my healing. I am now a five year survivor and will be forever grateful to Teron for his work with me.


  • I love Teron’s approach and positive way of working with me.

    I am very pleased with how he guided me through the process of finding out what really makes me happy and what I really need in order to feel fulfilled. Teron is very professional and kind. I felt absolutely comfortable opening up to him and not being judged at all. I would recommend Teron to anyone I know.


  • Teron is the only counsellor who ever required more of me, and that's powerful stuff.

    He made me want to be better, to do better, to bring more of myself to the table. And he helped me discover the tools, insights, and courage I needed to be able to make the changes I'd been wanting to make for years.


This sounds fantastic!

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More love…

  • I have the utmost confidence referring patients to Teron...

    …for Counselling, Emotional Support, Getting CLEAR, or any of his other services. Every patient I have sent – even the reluctant ones – has reported stellar results, and thanked me for referring them. I personally experienced Teron’s Getting CLEAR program and was blown away. The clarity and insights I gained were incredible! I absolutely know that all my patients who see Teron are in good hands.

    Dr. Patrick Callas

  • Teron has the most amazing ability to keep his absolutely professional ethos present at all times...

    …while making me feel as if I am talking to my very closest friend. His expertise has made me shocked so many times by a seemingly simple question that brings about amazing results in my quest to know myself.


  • Teron’s GettingCLEAR process was very enlightening.

    I did it over Skype with him as I live in Ontario. It left me with a feeling of knowing who I really am and a better understanding of how some of my choices in life have affected the outcome of many things. I now have a tool that will guide me through my thought processes in any new decisions in the future. Highly recommended!


  • Teron Wolf is a highly intuitive Counsellor and Healer.

    He worked creatively to enable me to find solutions. He is extremely trustworthy and reliable. I loved his joy for life and his ability to empathize and connect with me while inspiring and challenging old perceptions and engaging me on a journey of self-discovery and expansiveness. I would wholeheartedly endorse Teron!


  • My experience with Teron Wolf has been nothing short of brilliant and inspiring.

    My troubles run deep, and somehow he just knows the right things to say at the right time. The comfort I feel while spending two hours with him makes it all so inviting, and leaves me with a wonderful feeling of anticipation looking forward to my next visit… You will definitely laugh at least once on your visit, and then a lot more when you reach your goals with his guidance.


  • [Getting CLEAR is] Very unique.

    No matter where you are in your journey, the insight into your life will surprise you.


  • I really appreciate what Teron does as a healer and a life coach.

    I have found him to be extremely compassionate, knowledgeable, and human. Teron brings his warmth and integrity to every session.


  • Teron is a very gifted Counsellor and Healer.

    He knows how to listen and is genuinely interested in your well-being. His communication skills and knowledge inspire trust and reliability in his clients.

    Yves Vial, Sound Healing Institute of Canada

  • Now, when I have a hard decision to make, I just ask myself:

    WWTD - What would Teron do?



Wow, people really love this work!

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It keeps going…

  • Time spent with Teron was immediately very natural and rich with genuine qualities.

    The insight gained from being truly seen and heard was very validating and supportive. I have recommended Teron to others who have also learned something of themselves through a few sessions with a genuine and gifted human being. My experience with Teron was significant, deeply meaningful, and memorable. A healing turning point in such a gentle and kind way. Exactly what was needed.


  • Teron Wolf is a gifted Healer.

    His intent is clear, his mind is clear and sharp, and he brings a wide array of valuable healing skills to his art. Having witnessed him in action first-hand, and having seen the results of his work, I can happily attest to the quality of his services, and the positive impact he is having on his clients and the community as a whole. He is a great gift to our community, and I would recommend him to anyone who is looking to improve themselves from the inside – out.


  • ​I have on many occasions worked with Teron...

    …on a personal level and in many groups professionally with regards to his expertise as a Healer, Counsellor and Spiritual Advisor. He has good leadership skills as well as being a team player. I find he is very connected at the soul level and highly gifted in working holistically in the healing profession.

    Dr. Berte Marr

  • After working with Teron, I am pain and symptom free… happier than I’ve ever been!


  • ​Teron is very intuitive, and sees & hears those places that are unsaid and brimming to come out and be revealed and healed.

    He questions you so you can access your own dilemma and then find your own solutions as well. It takes skill to encourage someone to do that. Trusting oneself is the essence. Yes, he does empower you to change your life.


  • [Getting CLEAR is] A great tool for furthering self-discovery and personal growth.


  • Teron is like no other practitioner I have ever worked with.

    He is passionate, masterful, and determined to ensure every client makes real progress within their sessions with him. He has developed a unique way of helping people, by offering many different approaches and working to help the client decide what works best for them.


  • Teron helps you remember your power - remember your knowing.


  • Teron Wolf is a man of profound wisdom, gentle grace and unshakeable integrity.

    He has a unique gift that guides you into the deepest core of remembrance and the essence of being. It is from this place we experience the foundation of our empowerment and our truth.


So many wins!

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and going…

  • Debilitating anxiety is no longer part of my life.


  • Teron’s Counselling abilities, lighthearted and humorous nature, and his ability...

    …to be so present and personable with everyone he meets are all wonderful qualities for a healer. helps others to heal with many different modalities, which is so beneficial depending on what modality a person really relates to and can benefit from.


  • A beautiful soul. He carries the wisdom of the Universe in his heart.


  • Working with Teron has been a profound, life-changing experience.

    His Getting CLEAR process is an invaluable way to get in touch with the authentic self, and live a life with core truth and integrity. Powerful stuff for those who have the courage and commitment to be real.


  • I can talk to him about things nobody else seems to understand.

    He’s so supportive, and he always has some insight, or some question to ask me that helps understand myself in a different light.


  • When you work with Teron, you just know...

    …that he sees you clearly and that he accepts you exactly as you are.


  • I had a powerful healing - just from the song…


  • Teron Wolf has established himself as a reputable asset among the island’s health and wellness services

    Sean McIntyre, SSI Health & Wellness Directory

  • When I hear him speak, I feel like I can do anything.


This makes change sound like fun!

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and going…

  • Teron is a direct channel through which the voice of wisdom is activated within you.

    His teachings will deepen your relationship with your Self and others.


  • I have worked with Teron over the years with personal growth and values within the world of business and personal fulfillment.

    He teaches with simplicity, clarity, and high integrity.


  • Your inner voice wants to tell you a secret.

    Teron will teach you how to hear it.


  • I have been very un-open because it's such a new experience...

    …but I really enjoyed this and now I want to do more of this kind of stuff!


  • Working with Teron has changed my life.


  • [Sound Journey] Tonight was good for me.

    Tonight was grounding - reconnecting to an essence of my freedom, an essence of myself…


  • On Friday, Teron and his friend came to our class to do a presentation on sound.

    I learned that sound can actually change people’s emotions and can even heal them!

    C.S. Grade 4/5 Class

  • When me and [my friend] play the gong, it makes me feel like a new person.

    I love the gong so, so, so much that if I had a million dollars, I would buy so, so, so many gongs. I would be so, so, so happy!

    J.R. Age 7

  • When you play the gong, it feels like my whole being gets turned into billions and billions...

    …of tiny little pieces, then gets put back together, but BETTER!

    E.W. Age 7

I’m definitely ready now!