We take care of your house, pets & peace of mind - while you’re away from home.

Taking a well-deserved vacation? Travelling for business? Snow-birding for the winter?

Whatever your reason for travel, you deserve to do it worry-free, knowing that your home and pets are well-loved and cared for, while you’re away.

We’re Teron & Melissa, and we take care of everything.

  • House

    We are experienced house and pet sitters, and former owner/operators of a high-end residential caretaking and cleaning business, so we definitely know how to keep your home and pets in tip-top shape while giving them heaps of love. We'll take excellent care of your plants too, and on longer sits - reasonable lawn/garden maintenance or snow-removal. 

  • Pets

    We love animals and are experienced caring for dogs of all breeds & sizes, cats, birds, freshwater fish, snakes, small animals, chickens, ducks, and goats - including first-aid, medication administration, recreation, and providing loads of cuddles! We're confident we can safely and lovingly care for other critters as well, if provided with detailed instructions.

  • Farm

    We’ve spent our fair-share of time on hobby farms, and understand the challenges involved in finding someone who is both willing and capable of managing all the facets of taking care of your beloved animals. Our most recent farm experience is mainly with goats, chickens & ducks, but we’ve cared for horses and sheep in the past, and we’re confident we can safely and lovingly care for other critters too, if provided with detailed instructions.

Your Housesitting Questions, Answered…

  • We're lifelong nature/animal/outdoor lovers who have lived on the West Coast of BC for decades, and love exploring BC and Canada - especially the western provinces. House and pet sitting gives us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the experiences new places have to offer, while bringing a valuable service and peace of mind to homeowners and their pets. 

  • Most sits are free of charge.

    We look at it this way - we provide a valuable service for you - taking excellent care of your home and pets, in your absence. In exchange, you provide a temporary home, for us. It's a win - win!

    On the rare occasion when your home/pet/farm needs are exceptionally demanding, we may discuss and agree upon an hourly, or daily flat-rate to compensate for our time.

  • As part of a fair exchange, the homeowner continues to pay for utilities, including wifi, for the duration of the sit. Don't worry - we're mindful and conservative in our use!

  • Yes. We travel with our 11yr old Bulldog, Hyacinth. He's a super-quiet, well behaved, old guy who has spent his life around other animals of all kinds. Would you believe that in 11 years, he's only ever spent ONE day away from us?? We take him with us everywhere!

  • Of course! We're happy to sit houses with or without pets. Our clients without pets are especially fond of cuddles and tail-wiggles from Hyacinth!

  • CLICK HERE to visit our LinkTree!

  • There are a few ways to book with us!

    You can book with us directly, or if you prefer to go through an established Housesitting site, we are members of TrustedHousesitters, MindMyHouse, and HouseCarers.

    In any case, simply CLICK HERE to be directed to our LinkTree, where you can choose the booking option that suits your needs.

    We look forward to meeting you!

Here’s the latest from our Instagram!